FaceSVG 使用文件


This plugin adds a context menu for all operations. This are available using a menu right-click. The four operations provided by the plugin are under the FaceSVG submenu:


這個外掛為所有操作添加一個下拉選單。這可以通過右鍵點擊選叫出選單。該外掛提供的四個操作位於 FaceSVG 子選單下:


The basic work-flow to use the plugin is to select individual faces representing the parts that will be cut, and doing Layout SVG Profile. After the desired SVG profiles have been created, they are then written into an SVG file with Write SVG ProfilesSettings can be used to control some elements of how the layout is done and control some elements of how the profile geometryelements are created.

使用該外掛的基本工作流程是選擇代表要切割的物件的單個面,並執行 Layout SVG Profile。在建立所需的 SVG 配置文件後,將它們寫入帶有寫入 SVG 配置文件的 SVG 檔案。可以使用設定來控制佈局的一些元素,並控制一些元素如何建立輪廓幾何元素。

It is deliberately a two step process - first, laying out the faces followed by writing them to SVG. The profile geometry elements that are created represent what the SVG will look like. But, importantly, they can be edited or reorganized to allow customizing how the generated SVG will appear, without requiring some OTHER software tool. Ideally, the FaceSVG Plugin can go straight from a model to SVG ready for use. As mentioned elsewhere, this plugin is intended primarily for generated output suitable for use with the Shaper Origin handheld CNC router (SO).

這是一個兩步驟的過程 - 首先,把他們寫在 SVG 上。創造出來的輪廓幾何元素代表了 SVG 的外觀。但重要的是,它們可以進行編輯或重新組織,以便自定義生成的SVG的顯示方式,而無需其他軟體工具。理想情況下,FaceSVG 外掛可以直接從模型到 SVG 準備使用。正如其他地方所提到的,這個外掛主要用於適用於 Shaper Origin 手持式數控路由器(SO)的生成輸出。

Since this is a Sketchup context menu, it will only be displayed when some element is selected or the mouse pointer is over some geometry element. Not all the items will be available all the time. See the discussion of the individual operations below.

由於這是一個 Sketchup 上下文選單,只有當某個元素被選中或鼠標指針位於某個幾何元素上時才會顯示它。並非所有項目都會一直可用。請參閱下面關於個別操作的討論。


The Settings operation is always available. This displays the Settings that control different elements of the plugin’s operation. A popup dialog is displayed with the available settings, with the current values.  [1]


設置操作始終可用。這將顯示控制外掛操作的不同元素的設定。彈出式對話框將顯示可用的設定和目前的數值。 [1]

The default for english units is 24". This setting is used to control the layout of multiple elements into a rectangular grid. As each face is selected and layed out, the faces are put into a horizontal row. Assume you are using a piece of material, say, 30" wide, and that you are building some structure composed of a series of 12" wide shapes. After two have been placed, the third - going past 36" - would be "off" the edge of your material. Now, with the SO, we can re-place the design for a later cut, but it is convenient to simply start a new row. Layout width provides for the ability to start a new row, when the layout width is reached.


英制單位的默認值為24“,這個設置用來控制多個元素的排版為一個矩形網格,當每個面被選中並鋪平時,這些面被放置在一個水平上,假設你正在使用一塊材料,例如30英寸寬,而且你正在建造一系列由12“寬的形狀組成的結構,在放置了兩個後,第三個過去的36英寸 - 將會”脫離“材料的邊緣。現在,通過SO,我們可以重新放置設計以便稍後剪切,但只需開始一個新行就很方便。佈局寬度提供了在達到佈局寬度時啟動新行的功能。

The default for english units is 0.5". This is just the spacing between the different layed out face groups. This allows for the space for the cut for the desired bit.



The FaceSVG plugin generates SVG for the SO with areas intended to be cut out as pocket cutswith a gray, area fill. See the appropriate SO documentation. It does this by detecting the faces connected to the selected surface face with the same orientation. In most cases this is unambiguous, but for complicated models this may match faces that are unrelated.  Pocket Depth (Max) adds the additional constraint that the faces must be "nearby" -- within pocket depth. The default, 0.75", represents the deepest pocket that is desired (and is is a reasonable maximum since most material will be less than this.)

As a side note, setting this to 0.0 will effectively disable this pocket face detection, so that no gray fill areas will be generated.


FaceSVG 外掛為 SO 生成 SVG,其區域用作灰色面積填充的口袋切口。請參閱相應的SO檔案。它通過檢測以相同方向連接到所選表面的面來完成此操作。在大多數情況下,這是明確的,但對於復雜的模型,這可能與不相關的人臉相匹配。口袋深度(最大)增加了額外的約束,即臉部必須“在附近” - 在口袋深度內。默認值0.75“表示所需的最深的口袋(並且由於大多數材料將少於此,所以是合理的最大值)。


The default is 0.25". There isn’t much point to this. It adds an attribute shaper:cutDepth to exterior paths when the SVG is generated. This attribute is added by the official plugin provided by Shaper Tools, so may be recognized by the SO for some purpose. Currently it has no effect.


默認值為0.25“,沒有多大意義,它在 SVG 生成時向外部路徑添加屬性shaper:cutDepth,該屬性由Shaper Tools提供的官方插件添加,因此可以被SO用於某種目的,目前它沒有效果。

This is an advanced feature. The motivation for this can be seen in the video from Shaper Tools. 


這是一項高級功能。從Shaper Tools的視頻中可以看到這一點的動機。

Because the goal of the FaceSVG plugin is to provide SVG that can be used directly in the SOtool, being able to generate these corner relief details in the generated SVG is provided as an option. By default, this option is set to None - no capability for corner relief is active. The three options for corner relief are Symmetric, Asymmetric, and Symmetric, Auto. Bit diameter is a parameter required for generating corner relief. See Corner Relief for an explanation of the capabilities for corner relief generation.

由於FaceSVG插件的目標是提供可直接在SOtool中使用的SVG,因此可以在生成的SVG中生成這些邊角浮雕細節作為選項提供。默認情況下,此選項設置為無 - 無法啟用角落救濟功能。角落救濟的三種選擇是對稱,不對稱和對稱,自動。鑽頭直徑是生成拐角起伏所需的參數。請參閱角落救濟了解角落釋放能力的解釋。

Reset Layout

The Reset Layout operation is always available. As each face is layed out a copy of the face and its related faces are generated on the X Y plane (mostly) in the current model. These faces represent the SVG profile that will be generated, in a Sketchup group named SVG Profile Group. Reset Layout simply deletes this group, and resets internal layout information about where the next face will be layed out. Simply deleting the group, or using Edit->Undo will do the same thing except for resetting the internal layout information.


重置佈局操作始終可用。由於每個面都放置了一個面,並在當前模型的X Y平面(大部分)上生成相關面。這些面代表將在SVG配置文件組的Sketchup組中生成的SVG配置文件。重置版面簡單地刪除該組,並重置有關下一張人臉圖片佈局位置的內部佈局信息。只需刪除該組,或使用編輯 - >撤消將執行相同的操作,除了重置內部佈局信息。

Layout SVG Profile

This is step 1 of the two step process of actually generating SVG output from your Sketchup 3D model. Simply select each face for which a cutting profile is desired. Right clicking with the context menu will select the face under the mouse and display the context menu in a single operation.


這是從 Sketchup 3D 模型實際生成 SVG 輸出的兩個步驟過程的第1步。只需選擇需要切割輪廓的每個面。右鍵單擊上下文選單將選擇鼠標下的面部,並在單個操作中顯示上下文菜單。

When a face on a surface is selected, the face and all the related faces are copied onto the XY plane in the current model. Pocket cuts are represented as faces at a depth below this plane. Each face is created in its own group, and all the groups are in a single Sketchup group. The faces in this group are converted into an SVG reperesentation as a separate step. This allows these faces to be edited from within sketchup before conversion to SVG. For example a rectagular cut representing a mortise slot could be edited from with Sketchup to include corner relief.

選擇曲面上的面時,將在當前模型中將面和所有相關面複製到XY平面上。口袋切割在這個平面下面的深度表示為面。每個臉部都在其自己的組中創建,並且所有組都在單個Sketchup組中。作為一個單獨的步驟,該組中的面孔被轉換為SVG reperesentation。這允許在轉換為SVG之前從草圖中編輯這些面。例如,可以使用Sketchup編輯表示榫槽的矩形切口以包括拐角緩衝。

Write SVG Profiles

Once one or more faces have been generated into the SVG Profile Group, the FaceSVG context menu will include an operation to Write SVG Profiles. Selecting this will display a dialog to specify the location to write the SVG file.



Corner Relief

To generate a mortise opening for a rectangular shape, cutting profile must include a radius to remove extra material at the corner. The FacseSVG plugin provides the capability to add these relief features to any desired rectangular openings. The desired approach for corner relief is set using the Settings menu, and is disabled by default.


為了產生矩形形狀的榫眼開口,切割輪廓必須包括半徑以去除角落處的多餘材料。 FacseSVG插件提供了將這些浮雕特徵添加到任何所需矩形開口的功能。使用“設置”菜單設置角落釋放的所需方法,默認情況下禁用。

Symmetric Corner Relief

This is the approach where a radius is added to remove extra material at a 45 degree angle to each corner, symmetrically. For symmetric relief, any edge on a interior path rectangle may be selected. Selecting Corner Relief will then apply the modification to the selected rectangular opening.


這是添加半徑的方法,以對稱的方式將角度為45度的多餘材料移除到每個角落。對於對稱浮雕,可以選擇內部路徑矩形上的任何邊緣。選擇Corner Relief將對選定的矩形開口應用修改。

If it is desired to apply the same corner relief to all the openings in a face, the face can be selected.


Asymmetric Corner Relief

This is a little misnamed, but the idea is that the corner relief is only applied in one direction, to the opposite edges of the rectangle. When applying corner relief with this setting active, an edge is selected and the corner relief is applied to the selected edge and its opposite. As with the symmetric case, if the edge is not long enough the corner relief will not be applied.



In this sample, simply selecting the longer edge will allow the corner relief to be applied.


Alternatively, using the Settings panel to enter a different bit size allows the corner relief to be applied to the smaller edge.


Automatic Corner Relief

If Symmetric Relief, auto is enabled, corner relief will be automatically applied to the copied faces as each face is layed out into the SVG Profile Group. Only automatic symmetric relief is supported, since it is unambiguous how it should be applied. Usually, choosing asymmetriccorner relief is more appropriate based on some detail of how the whole structure is assembled. For example, in the finished product some detail may cover one edge of the mortise opening, so putting the relief in that side is more aesthetically pleasing.

